by margolisassoci | Oct 17, 2024 | General
New York City employee health plans tend to follow common structures in terms of pooling risk and paying out claims. The two most common structures for providing healthcare are HMOs and PPOs, both of which provide different types of choices for obtaining healthcare....
by margolisassoci | Sep 23, 2024 | Benefits
Life can be full of surprises that sometimes require taking time off from work. This can be an emotional time with undue stress added to an already difficult situation. In these cases, employees who are eligible and qualify for paid family leave can apply with their...
by margolisassoci | Sep 23, 2024 | Uncategorized
Figuring out taxes can be confusing, especially when it comes to health insurance. A common question people have is: is employee health insurance tax-deductible? It’s a smart question because understanding the tax implications can save you money. So let’s...
by margolisassoci | Sep 9, 2024 | Benefits
Many people get life insurance for the first time as part of their employee benefits. Life insurance is a program that uses your premiums to provide a lump sum to your beneficiaries after you pass away. Although it may not be pleasant to think about your death, it may...
by margolisassoci | Jul 31, 2024 | General
Long-term care (LTC) is an important part of healthcare, especially if you are aging or have chronic health issues or disabilities. If you are thinking about your future care or have a loved one who may need LTC and are looking for long-term care insurance companies...
by margolisassoci | Jul 11, 2024 | General
The titles of insurance broker and insurance agent sound like they’re similar in terms of their duties and abilities. Both are in the insurance industry, and they can both obtain estimates for policies and recommend the appropriate kind and quantity of coverage...
by margolisassoci | Jun 28, 2024 | Benefits
Traveling can be an exciting time to see and experience new things, get away from your routine, and simply relax and rewind. Maybe your time away from home is for business. Whatever the reason you are going away, it is important to be prepared with proper insurance....
by margolisassoci | Jun 7, 2024 | Benefits
Underwriting a life insurance policy is a process that’s done by the insurance company to determine how much of a risk you pose to the insurer. Your overall health, age, occupation, and hobbies are all factors that are examined during the underwriting process....
by margolisassoci | May 24, 2024 | Benefits
If you know that you may need long-term care insurance in the New York City area, there are some important things to know first. If you are eligible, then you’ll want to figure out what would be the appropriate amount of coverage to meet your specific needs. What is...
by margolisassoci | May 8, 2024 | Benefits
When planning a long trip, you should consider setting up travel insurance. Travel insurance is especially beneficial if you’re someone who often travels or will be taking long trips. If you live in the New York City area and will be traveling, consider how travel...