Traveling can be an exciting time to see and experience new things, get away from your routine, and simply relax and rewind. Maybe your time away from home is for business. Whatever the reason you are going away, it is important to be prepared with proper insurance. This protects you in case you have an accident, your belongings are stolen, or a hundred other unexpected issues. 

Having proper travel insurance and medical insurance in NYC while you are away from home is a smart choice. So what should you do if you have to submit a claim while traveling? First things first. Get prepared, organized, and informed. Additionally, make sure you have insurance coverage.

Review Your Travel Insurance Policy

Hopefully, your trip will be seamless, and you won’t have to file a claim, but if something happens, it makes sense to be informed. Before leaving on your trip, review your insurance policy. Know exactly what your policy covers and what it doesn’t cover. Read through every line to learn about your benefits, coverage limits, and what is excluded. 

For example, if you decide to purchase a travel insurance policy and travel delay insurance is an option, add it. This will protect you if you get to the airport and your flight is canceled or delayed. Be aware of the amount the policy covers, as there may be a limit on the dollar amount.

Document Everything And Keep It Organized

If something happens while you are on your trip, make sure you document everything and keep all the paperwork. This will expedite the claim and prevent delays in processing payment. Keep everything organized and together in an envelope or file folder. This includes all receipts for meals, hotels, baggage, medical bills, police reports, and cancelation paperwork. 

If you have an accident, take photos with your mobile device as evidence. Travel insurance usually reimburses you for pre-paid and non-refundable money that you lose as a result of flight cancelations or delays. A list of important documents are:

  • Receipts and itemized bills for all expenses.
  • Unused airfare tickets and proof of payment for the tickets.
  • Written confirmation from the airline explaining what baggage was lost or delayed.
  • Medical treatment or diagnosis from a doctor, or medical practitioner and all paid medical invoices.
  • Police report for theft, car accident report, or other incident.

Contact Your Insurance Company

Most travel insurance companies have a 24-hour telephone line to walk you through the claim process. Call them if you need a medical pre-certification or to report the incident so it is on file. They will walk you through the proper claim submission process.

Submit Your Claim As Soon As Possible

Every insurance policy is different, but there are procedures for submitting claims that you must follow. Review this process before you leave so you are familiar with and understand it. There may be time limits to submit your claim for reimbursement or exclusions for medical injuries your policy doesn’t cover. If you can submit a claim online, you might get faster reimbursement. The last thing you want to do is go through the process and discover you missed the deadline for coverage.

Contact Us Today To Learn More About Travel Insurance

Not sure where to start with travel health insurance in NYC? Call the friendly and professional team at Margolis and Associates today to learn how it can protect you if the unexpected happens. “We are your agency with a personal touch.” Our seasoned insurance agents are here to help you understand how it works and how to properly submit a claim. Let’s get started today.